Notes on recursion


These notes give an overview of fixed points, a core programming language features used to explain recursive definition.

Approximating recursive functions

One way we can attempt to understand what a recursive definition means is to consider a series of approximations to the definition. For example, consider the standard definition of the factorial function, as expressed in our λ-calculus:

fact = λ n. if n = 0 then 1 else n * fact (n - 1)

We want to construct a series of approximations to the fact function. Each approximation will be able to do one more recursive call than the approximation before it. We can start with the version that makes no recursive calls:

fact0 = λ n. if n = 0 then 1 else error

This approximates the fact function when it makes no recursive calls; I have used error to indicate cases that we have not yet approximated. We could replace error with any integer value; the point is simply to indicate that, whatever value we choose, it is not a correct approximation of the result of fact.

The next version of fact that we can approximate is the version that makes one (or fewer) recursive calls. This version will rely on the previous approxmation to handle the recursion:

fact1 = λ n. if n = 0 then 1 else n * fact0 (n - 1)

Observe two things about this code. First: fact1 handles both the cases with 0 and 1 recursive calls. Second: none of our definitions so far use recursion. Other than how to implement error (really, anything will do), there are no mysteries about how any of these functions work.

We can continue in the same vein, building deeper and deeper approximations of the fact function:

factn+1 = λ n. if n = 0 then 1 else n * factn (n - 1)

Now, we can observe that, for any program we can write, there is a value of n large enough that factn is indistinguishable from the recursive definition of fact. For example, if the largest argument we ever pass to fact is 256, then fact256 is a good enough approximation. Of course, so is fact257, or fact1024, and so forth.

However, this is a little unsatisfactory—we would like our formal understanding of fact to match our intuitive understanding, and our intuitive understanding works for all inputs, not just inputs up to some pre-defined threshold. To get a more satisfying understanding, we have to introduce a little bit of mathematics.

Fixed points

The key idea we need to steal from mathematics is that of a fixed point. The short version is that, for some function $f(x)$, $c$ is a fixed point of $f$ iff $f(c) = c$. Not every function has a fixed point; for example, the there is no integer fixed point for the function $f(x) = x + 1$. On the other hand, many functions do have fixed points; for example, $0$ is the fixed point of the sine function.

How can this help us? Well, we can start by describing our series of appoximations to fact themselves as a function; that is, we want a function factStep such that factStep factn gives factn+1. This is not too hard to do.

factStep = λ f. λ n. if n = 0 then 1 else n * f (n - 1)

You should be able to satisfy yourself that factStep fact0 is fact1, factStep (factStep fact0) is fact2, and so forth. The question we then have to ask is: does factStep have a fixed point? That is, is there a function factω such that factStep factω is factω? Thanks to the Kleene fixed-point theorems, one of the more significant results in the mathematics of computation, we know that, not only does this function have a fixed point, but it is exactly the one obtained by iterating the function. That is to say, factω is exactly the result of factStep (factStep (factStep ... (factStep fact0))).

Now, suppose that fact is defined by iterating factStep. How would fact 3 behave? Well, because fact is the fixed point of factStep, we know that face is equal to factStep fact. So fact 3 should be equal to factStep fact 3. We can substitute into the definition of factStep, getting if isz 3 then 1 else 3 * fact (3 - 1), and so forth. Evaluating, we get to 3 * fact 2, and we have gotten to the next recursive call, as we expect.

Generalizing fixed point construction

Hopefully, you found this brief journey into the mathematics of fixed points interesting, even if perhaps not entirely understandable. What is important, however, is that it has given us a mechanical way of explaining recursion. That is, rather than considering recursive definitions, such as the one given for fact earlier, we can define recursion using fixed points of step functions, such as factStep. That is to say, we want to introduce an explicit fixed point construct fix to our λ-calculus. Then, we can factorial by

let factStep = λ f. λ n. if n = 0 then 1 else n * f (n - 1) in
let fact = fix factStep in
  (fact 3, fact 5)

And, the same construct can be used to define arbitrary other recursive functions. For example, the Fibonacci numbers

let fibStep = λ f. λ n.
  if isz n then 0
  else if isz (n - 1) then 1
  else f (n - 1) + f (n - 2) in
let fib = fix fibStep in
  (fib 3, fib 5)

In fact, you could even define the type checking and evaluation functions we write in class using fixed points (albeit, in a slightly more complicated λ-calculus that we have built so far). Evaluation might begin as follows:

let evalStep = λ eval. λ t.
  case t of
    Const x -> VInt x
  | Plus t1 t2 ->
      let VInt v1 = eval e1 in
      let VInt v2 = eval e2 in
        VInt (v1 + v2)
  ... in
let eval = fix evalStep in

evalStep is more complicated than factStep or fibStep, but the basic idea is the same: evalStep computes the next iteration of the evaluation function from the previous one. So, the fixed point of evalStep will be the recursive evaluation function. (You may recognize evalStep as being similar to the generic evaluation function we built in class recently. This should not be surprising; there, as here, our concern was the structure of recursion.)

Formalizing fix

To finish our discussion of fixed points, we want to introduce typing and evaluation rules for the fix term. We can make a first attempt based on translating the intuitive idea of a fixed point; that is, that if expression e is a stepping function (of type t -> t), then fix e should be the result of iterating that function (of type t):

If you check the definitions earlier in this file, you should see that they are accepted by this typing rule. The evaluation rule seems to capture the intuition of fixed points. And, if our λ-calculus were a call-by-name calculus, like Haskell, we would be done. (In fact, you can observe that this is all you need in Haskell; look at the definitions in Fix.hs).

However, our λ-calculus is call-by-value instead. And that means to compute the result of an application (like e (fix e)), we need to evaluate both the function (e) and the argument (fix e). However, this seems to leave us back where we started: to determine the value of fix e, we need to already have the value of fix e.

We can find our way out of this nest by making another observation. All of the values for which we have wanted fixed points are themselves functions. How does this help? It means that we can assume that the result of fix e will be applied to at least one more argument, and so we can delay the evaluation of the fix e until we see that argument. Concretely, instead of the equation

we will have the equation

or, equivalently,

Hopefully you can see how this fixes the problem: because functions are themselves values, the evalutation of fix t stops immediately. On the other hand, when applied to its next argument, it will evaluate as before.

We can update our typing and evaluation rules to reflect the restriction of fixed points to functions, as follows.

And now we have the final (for now) account of recursion in our λ-calculus. Because we have limited recursion to functions, it is not quite as expressive as it is in Haskell. For example, we cannot write the infinite streams of names used in homework 2. But, for most practical purposes, this is not a significant restriction.


The study of recursion is one of the more intricate parts of programming language theory. These notes have given you an introduction to one way of describing and reasoning about recursion. There is still plenty to come. For example, while we have a way to talk about recursively defined values, we have equally come to rely on recursively defined types. We will return to these topics later in the course.